101 typedef struct _AwaServerSession AwaServerSession;
102 typedef struct _AwaServerListClientsOperation AwaServerListClientsOperation;
103 typedef struct _AwaServerListClientsResponse AwaServerListClientsResponse;
104 typedef struct _AwaClientIterator AwaClientIterator;
105 typedef struct _AwaRegisteredEntityIterator AwaRegisteredEntityIterator;
106 typedef struct _AwaServerDefineOperation AwaServerDefineOperation;
107 typedef struct _AwaServerDefineResponse AwaServerDefineResponse;
108 typedef struct _AwaServerReadOperation AwaServerReadOperation;
109 typedef struct _AwaServerReadResponse AwaServerReadResponse;
110 typedef struct _AwaServerWriteOperation AwaServerWriteOperation;
111 typedef struct _AwaWriteResponse AwaServerWriteResponse;
112 typedef struct _AwaServerDeleteResponse AwaServerDeleteResponse;
113 typedef struct _AwaServerDeleteOperation AwaServerDeleteOperation;
114 typedef struct _AwaServerExecuteOperation AwaServerExecuteOperation;
115 typedef struct _AwaServerExecuteResponse AwaServerExecuteResponse;
116 typedef struct _AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation;
117 typedef struct _AwaServerWriteAttributesResponse AwaServerWriteAttributesResponse;
118 typedef struct _AwaServerDiscoverOperation AwaServerDiscoverOperation;
119 typedef struct _AwaServerDiscoverResponse AwaServerDiscoverResponse;
120 typedef struct _AwaAttributeIterator AwaAttributeIterator;
121 typedef struct _AwaServerObserveOperation AwaServerObserveOperation;
122 typedef struct _AwaServerObservation AwaServerObservation;
123 typedef struct _AwaServerObserveResponse AwaServerObserveResponse;
124 typedef struct _AwaServerClientRegisterEvent AwaServerClientRegisterEvent;
125 typedef struct _AwaServerClientUpdateEvent AwaServerClientUpdateEvent;
126 typedef struct _AwaServerClientDeregisterEvent AwaServerClientDeregisterEvent;
1802 #endif // AWA_SERVER_H AwaError
API Error Codes.
Definition: error.h:38
struct _AwaPathResult AwaPathResult
Definition: common.h:710
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValueAsOpaque(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, AwaOpaque *value)
Retrieve an opaque resource's value from a Read Response.
AwaRegisteredEntityIterator * AwaServerListClientsResponse_NewRegisteredEntityIterator(const AwaServerListClientsResponse *response)
Create a new Registered Entity iterator for a List Clients Response, used to iterate through the list...
AwaServerDiscoverOperation * AwaServerDiscoverOperation_New(const AwaServerSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Discover operation, that can be used to discover attributes at...
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsObjectLinkArray(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaObjectLinkArray *array)
bool AwaServerReadResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Read Response has the specified path (resource, object instance or object) present...
AwaServerReadOperation * AwaServerReadOperation_New(const AwaServerSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Read operation, that can be used to retrieve resource values f...
AwaError AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation_Free(AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation **operation)
Clean up a Write Attributes operation, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsTimeArray(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaTimeArray *array)
AwaError AwaServerSession_PathToIDs(const AwaServerSession *session, const char *path, AwaObjectID *objectID, AwaObjectInstanceID *objectInstanceID, AwaResourceID *resourceID)
Paths are used to identify objects, object instances and resources within the data model...
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerListClientsOperation_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerListClientsOperation *operation)
Create a new Client Iterator for a List Clients Response, used to iterate through the list of client ...
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddArrayValueAsBoolean(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaBoolean value)
const AwaObjectDefinition * AwaServerSession_GetObjectDefinition(const AwaServerSession *session, AwaObjectID objectID)
Retrieves an object definition instance corresponding to the object identified by the given object ID...
int AwaTimeout
Represents a timeout value, in milliseconds.
Definition: common.h:70
AwaWriteMode AwaWriteMode_FromString(const char *writeModeString)
Get a Write Mode from a descriptive name of a Write Mode.
AwaError AwaServerSession_SetClientDeregisterEventCallback(AwaServerSession *session, AwaServerClientDeregisterEventCallback callback, void *context)
Sets a callback function to be called whenever a Client deregisters with the server.
AwaPathIterator * AwaServerWriteResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaServerWriteResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Write Response, used to iterate through the list of paths returned i...
const AwaServerDiscoverResponse * AwaServerDiscoverOperation_GetResponse(const AwaServerDiscoverOperation *operation, const char *clientID)
Obtain a Discover Response instance from a processed Discover operation.
const AwaPathResult * AwaServerWriteResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaServerWriteResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Write Response relating to a write to that path retrieved by the corres...
struct _AwaBooleanArray AwaBooleanArray
Definition: common.h:100
AwaError AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation_Perform(AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Write Attributes operation by sending it to the Core.
const AwaPathResult * AwaServerExecuteResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaServerExecuteResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from an Execute Response relating to an execution to that path retrieved by th...
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValueAsOpaquePointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaOpaque **value)
AwaError AwaServerReadOperation_Perform(AwaServerReadOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Read operation by sending it to the Core.
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_SetObjectInstanceWriteMode(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaWriteMode mode)
Changes the write mode for an object instance path.
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsBooleanArray(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaBooleanArray *array)
const AwaServerDeleteResponse * AwaServerDeleteOperation_GetResponse(const AwaServerDeleteOperation *operation, const char *clientID)
Obtain a Delete Response instance from a processed Delete operation.
struct _AwaIntegerArray AwaIntegerArray
Definition: common.h:98
AwaAttributeIterator * AwaServerDiscoverResponse_NewAttributeIterator(const AwaServerDiscoverResponse *response, const char *path)
Create a new Attribute Iterator for a Discover Response, used to iterate through the list of attribut...
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddArrayValueAsTime(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaTime value)
AwaError AwaServerSession_DispatchCallbacks(AwaServerSession *session)
Invoke any callbacks scheduled since this function was last called.
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerDeleteOperation_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerDeleteOperation *operation)
Create a new Client Iterator for a performed Delete Operation, used to iterate through the list of cl...
indicates a write using CoAP "PUT"
Definition: server.h:95
const char * AwaWriteMode_ToString(AwaWriteMode writeMode)
Get a descriptive name for the specified Write Mode.
AwaError AwaServerObservation_Free(AwaServerObservation **observation)
Shut down an Observation, freeing any allocated memory.
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsObjectLink(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaObjectLink value)
AwaError AwaServerDiscoverOperation_AddPath(AwaServerDiscoverOperation *operation, const char *clientID, const char *path)
Adds a path to a Discover operation, as a request to discover the specified resource.
bool AwaServerSession_IsObjectDefined(const AwaServerSession *session, AwaObjectID objectID)
Determines whether the specified session holds a valid definition for the given object.
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_Perform(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *clientID, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Write Operation by sending it to the Core.
AwaError AwaServerDeleteOperation_Perform(AwaServerDeleteOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Delete operation by sending it to the Core.
AwaError AwaServerDefineOperation_Free(AwaServerDefineOperation **operation)
Clean up a Define operation, freeing all allocated resources.
bool AwaAttributeIterator_Next(AwaAttributeIterator *iterator)
Determine whether the Attribute Iterator has not reached the end of a list of attributes.
AwaServerObservation * AwaServerObservation_New(const char *clientID, const char *path, AwaServerObservationCallback callback, void *context)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Observation, that can be used to observe to changes on either ...
bool AwaServerDiscoverResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaServerDiscoverResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Discover Response has the specified path (resource, object instance or object) present...
struct _AwaFloatArray AwaFloatArray
Definition: common.h:99
A utility struct used to convey object link data.
Definition: types.h:90
AwaError AwaServerObserveOperation_Perform(AwaServerObserveOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Observe operation by sending it to the Core, notifying the Core to begin or cancel observ...
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerDiscoverOperation_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerDiscoverOperation *operation)
Create a new Client Iterator for a performed Discover Operation, used to iterate through the list of ...
AwaError AwaServerSession_SetClientUpdateEventCallback(AwaServerSession *session, AwaServerClientUpdateEventCallback callback, void *context)
Sets a callback function to be called whenever a Client updates its registration with the server...
AwaPathIterator * AwaServerDeleteResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaServerDeleteResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Delete Response, used to iterate through the list of resource paths ...
AwaObjectDefinitionIterator * AwaServerSession_NewObjectDefinitionIterator(const AwaServerSession *session)
Retrieves a new object definition iterator that can be used to iterate through the set of defined obj...
AwaError AwaServerSession_SetClientRegisterEventCallback(AwaServerSession *session, AwaServerClientRegisterEventCallback callback, void *context)
Sets a callback function to be called whenever a Client registers with the server.
AwaServerListClientsOperation * AwaServerListClientsOperation_New(const AwaServerSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new List Clients operation, that can be used to retrieve a list of...
struct _AwaOpaqueArray AwaOpaqueArray
Definition: common.h:101
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerReadOperation_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerReadOperation *operation)
Create a new Client Iterator for a performed Read Operation, used to iterate through the list of clie...
const AwaServerReadResponse * AwaServerReadOperation_GetResponse(const AwaServerReadOperation *operation, const char *clientID)
Obtain a Read Response instance from a processed Read operation.
const AwaPathResult * AwaServerDeleteResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaServerDeleteResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Delete Response relating to a subscription to that path retrieved by th...
AwaPathIterator * AwaServerExecuteResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaServerExecuteResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for an Execute Response, used to iterate through the list of resource path...
bool AwaBoolean
Corresponds to the LWM2M Boolean type.
Definition: types.h:71
AwaServerDeleteOperation * AwaServerDeleteOperation_New(const AwaServerSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Delete operation, that can be used to delete optional resource...
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValuesAsOpaqueArrayPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaOpaqueArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsIntegerArray(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaIntegerArray *array)
const AwaPathResult * AwaServerDiscoverResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaServerDiscoverResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Discover Response relating to a subscription to that path retrieved by ...
AwaServerWriteOperation * AwaServerWriteOperation_New(const AwaServerSession *session, AwaWriteMode defaultMode)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Write Operation, that can be used to set resource values...
bool AwaClientIterator_Next(AwaClientIterator *iterator)
Determine whether the Client Iterator has not reached the end of a set of clients.
bool AwaServerWriteResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaServerWriteResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Write Response has the specified path to a resource or object present.
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValueAsFloatPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaFloat **value)
A utility struct used to convey data pointer and size of an opaque data block.
Definition: types.h:81
void AwaAttributeIterator_Free(AwaAttributeIterator **iterator)
Clean up a Attribute Iterator, freeing all allocated resources.
indicates a write using CoAP "POST"
Definition: server.h:96
AwaServerExecuteOperation * AwaServerExecuteOperation_New(const AwaServerSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Execute operation, that can be used to trigger executable reso...
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerClientDeregisterEvent_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerClientDeregisterEvent *event)
Create a new Client Iterator from a Client Deregister Event, used to iterate through the list of clie...
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValuesAsTimeArrayPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaTimeArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaServerObserveOperation_Free(AwaServerObserveOperation **operation)
Clean up an Observe operation, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerObserveOperation_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerObserveOperation *operation)
Create a new Client Iterator for a performed Observe Operation, used to iterate through the list of c...
void(* AwaServerClientDeregisterEventCallback)(const AwaServerClientDeregisterEvent *event, void *context)
A user-specified callback handler for Server Notifications which will be fired on client deregister...
Definition: server.h:163
struct _AwaTimeArray AwaTimeArray
Definition: common.h:102
int AwaObjectInstanceID
Definition: types.h:44
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddArrayValueAsOpaque(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaOpaque value)
bool AwaServerWriteAttributesResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaServerWriteAttributesResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Write Attributes Response has the specified path (resource, object instance or object) pr...
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation *operation)
Create a new Client Iterator for a performed Write Attributes Operation, used to iterate through the ...
struct _AwaChangeSet AwaChangeSet
Definition: common.h:734
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValuesAsFloatArrayPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaFloatArray **valueArray)
const AwaServerWriteResponse * AwaServerWriteOperation_GetResponse(const AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *clientID)
Obtain a Write Response instance from a processed Write Operation.
AwaPathIterator * AwaServerWriteAttributesResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaServerWriteAttributesResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Write Attributes Response, used to iterate through the list of paths...
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsTime(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaTime value)
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValueAsObjectLink(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, AwaObjectLink *value)
Retrieve an object link resource's value from a Read Response.
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsFloatArray(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaFloatArray *array)
const char * AwaClientIterator_GetClientID(const AwaClientIterator *iterator)
Retrieve the ID from the current client in the Client Iterator.
AwaError AwaServerDeleteOperation_Free(AwaServerDeleteOperation **operation)
Clean up a Delete operation, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsFloat(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaFloat value)
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsOpaqueArray(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaOpaqueArray *array)
AwaPathIterator * AwaServerObserveResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaServerObserveResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for an Observe Response, used to iterate through the list of object...
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValuesAsIntegerArrayPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaIntegerArray **valueArray)
bool AwaRegisteredEntityIterator_Next(AwaRegisteredEntityIterator *iterator)
Determine whether the Registered Entity Iterator has not reached the end of a list of registered enti...
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddArrayValueAsCString(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, const char *value)
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValueAsCStringPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const char **value)
void(* AwaServerObservationCallback)(const AwaChangeSet *changeSet, void *context)
A user-specified callback handler for an Observation which will be fired on AwaServerSession_Dispatch...
Definition: server.h:142
AwaRegisteredEntityIterator * AwaServerClientUpdateEvent_NewRegisteredEntityIterator(const AwaServerClientUpdateEvent *event, const char *clientID)
Create a new Registered Entity iterator for a Client Update Event, used to iterate through the list o...
AwaError AwaServerSession_Connect(AwaServerSession *session)
Connect a session (configured with an IPC mechanism) to the Core.
AwaError AwaServerListClientsOperation_Free(AwaServerListClientsOperation **operation)
Clean up a List Clients operation, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaError AwaServerSession_Process(AwaServerSession *session, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process any incoming requests from a LWM2M Client.
struct _AwaObjectDefinitionIterator AwaObjectDefinitionIterator
Definition: common.h:348
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValuesAsBooleanArrayPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaBooleanArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaServerExecuteOperation_AddPath(AwaServerExecuteOperation *operation, const char *clientID, const char *path, const AwaExecuteArguments *arguments)
Adds a path to an Execute operation, as a request to execute the specified resource.
AwaError AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation_AddAttributeAsInteger(AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation *operation, const char *clientID, const char *path, const char *link, AwaInteger value)
AwaPathIterator * AwaServerDiscoverResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaServerDiscoverResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Discover Response, used to iterate through the list of paths retriev...
AwaError AwaServerObserveOperation_AddCancelObservation(AwaServerObserveOperation *operation, AwaServerObservation *observation)
Adds a Cancel flag to an Observation in a specified Observe operation, as a request to cancel being n...
AwaError AwaServerExecuteOperation_Free(AwaServerExecuteOperation **operation)
Clean up an Execute operation, freeing all allocated resources.
void(* AwaServerClientRegisterEventCallback)(const AwaServerClientRegisterEvent *event, void *context)
A user-specified callback handler for Server Notifications which will be fired on client registration...
Definition: server.h:149
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddArrayValueAsObjectLink(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaObjectLink value)
AwaError AwaServerDeleteOperation_AddPath(AwaServerDeleteOperation *operation, const char *clientID, const char *path)
Adds a path to a Delete operation, as a request to delete the specified object or object instance...
AwaServerDefineOperation * AwaServerDefineOperation_New(const AwaServerSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Define operation, that can be used to define Objects and Resou...
AwaError AwaServerObserveOperation_AddObservation(AwaServerObserveOperation *operation, AwaServerObservation *observation)
Adds an Observation of interest to an Observe operation, as a request to be notified of changes to th...
AwaRegisteredEntityIterator * AwaServerClientRegisterEvent_NewRegisteredEntityIterator(const AwaServerClientRegisterEvent *event, const char *clientID)
Create a new Registered Entity iterator for a Client Register Event, used to iterate through the list...
AwaServerObserveOperation * AwaServerObserveOperation_New(const AwaServerSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Observe operation, that can be used to observe to and be notif...
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsInteger(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaInteger value)
bool AwaServerReadResponse_HasValue(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Read Response has a value for the specified resource path.
double AwaFloat
Corresponds to the LWM2M Float type.
Definition: types.h:66
const char * AwaRegisteredEntityIterator_GetPath(const AwaRegisteredEntityIterator *iterator)
Retrieve the path to the current registered entity in the Registered Entity Iterator.
struct _ObjectDefinition AwaObjectDefinition
Definition: common.h:346
bool AwaServerExecuteResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaServerExecuteResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Execute Response has the specified resource path present.
struct _AwaStringArray AwaStringArray
Definition: common.h:97
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValueAsObjectLinkPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaObjectLink **value)
int AwaObjectID
Definition: types.h:43
Supported write modes.
Definition: server.h:93
AwaError AwaServerSession_Free(AwaServerSession **session)
Shut down an existing session, freeing any allocated memory.
Reserved value.
Definition: server.h:97
AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation * AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation_New(const AwaServerSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Write Attributes operation, that can be used to modify when no...
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsOpaque(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaOpaque value)
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValueAsBooleanPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaBoolean **value)
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_SetResourceWriteMode(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaWriteMode mode)
Changes the write mode for a resource path.
const char * AwaAttributeIterator_GetLink(const AwaAttributeIterator *iterator)
Retrieve the link name associated with the current attribute in the Attribute Iterator.
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValuesAsStringArrayPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaStringArray **valueArray)
int AwaResourceID
Definition: types.h:45
AwaError AwaServerSession_SetDefaultTimeout(AwaServerSession *session, AwaTimeout timeout)
Set IPC connect timeout.
const AwaServerSession * AwaChangeSet_GetServerSession(const AwaChangeSet *changeSet)
Retrieve the corresponding session for a ChangeSet.
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValuesAsObjectLinkArrayPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaObjectLinkArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaServerDiscoverOperation_Perform(AwaServerDiscoverOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Discover operation by sending it to the Core.
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerExecuteOperation_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerExecuteOperation *operation)
Create a new Client Iterator for a performed Execute Operation, used to iterate through the list of c...
const AwaServerListClientsResponse * AwaServerListClientsOperation_GetResponse(const AwaServerListClientsOperation *operation, const char *clientID)
Obtain a List Clients Response instance from a processed List Clients operation.
AwaError AwaServerListClientsOperation_Perform(AwaServerListClientsOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the List Clients operation by sending it to the Core.
const AwaPathResult * AwaServerObserveResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaServerObserveResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from an Observe Response relating to a observation to that path retrieved by t...
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValueAsTimePointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaTime **value)
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsCString(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, const char *value)
AwaError AwaServerExecuteOperation_Perform(AwaServerExecuteOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Execute operation by sending it to the Core.
AwaError AwaServerDefineOperation_Add(AwaServerDefineOperation *operation, const AwaObjectDefinition *objectDefinition)
Add an Object Definition to an existing Define operation, so that the client will create a suitable d...
const AwaPathResult * AwaServerDefineResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaServerDefineResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Define Response relating to a definition on that path retrieved by the ...
AwaServerSession * AwaServerSession_New(void)
Initialise a new session of the Awa subsystem.
const AwaServerExecuteResponse * AwaServerExecuteOperation_GetResponse(const AwaServerExecuteOperation *operation, const char *clientID)
Obtain an Execute Response instance from a processed Execute operation.
AwaError AwaServerSession_Disconnect(AwaServerSession *session)
When a session is no longer required, or if the application intends to sleep for some time...
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddArrayValueAsInteger(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaInteger value)
AwaError AwaServerDefineOperation_Perform(AwaServerDefineOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
int64_t AwaInteger
Corresponds to the LWM2M 64-bit Integer type.
Definition: types.h:61
AwaPathIterator * AwaServerDefineResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaServerDefineResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Define Response, used to iterate through the list of paths returned ...
Provides declarations and definitions that are common to the Awa LWM2M API and Static API...
void AwaClientIterator_Free(AwaClientIterator **iterator)
Clean up a Client Iterator, freeing all allocated resources.
struct _AwaObjectLinkArray AwaObjectLinkArray
Definition: common.h:103
AwaError AwaServerSession_Refresh(AwaServerSession *session)
Object and Resource Definitions are assembled by the application and sent to the server daemon for st...
bool AwaServerDefineResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaServerDefineResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Define Response has the specified path to a resource or object present.
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsBoolean(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaBoolean value)
void AwaRegisteredEntityIterator_Free(AwaRegisteredEntityIterator **iterator)
Clean up a Registered Entity Iterator, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaError AwaServerDiscoverResponse_GetAttributeValueAsFloatPointer(const AwaServerDiscoverResponse *response, const char *path, const char *link, const AwaFloat **value)
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_Free(AwaServerWriteOperation **operation)
Clean up a Write Operation, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaError AwaServerDiscoverResponse_GetAttributeValueAsIntegerPointer(const AwaServerDiscoverResponse *response, const char *path, const char *link, const AwaInteger **value)
bool AwaServerDeleteResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaServerDeleteResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Delete Response has the specified path (object instance or object) present.
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddArrayValueAsFloat(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaFloat value)
const char * AwaServerObservation_GetPath(AwaServerObservation *observation)
Retrieve the path from an Observation.
AwaError AwaServerReadOperation_AddPath(AwaServerReadOperation *operation, const char *clientID, const char *path)
Adds a path of interest to a Read operation, as a request to retrieve all resources at or covered by ...
const char * AwaChangeSet_GetClientID(const AwaChangeSet *changeSet)
Retrieve the corresponding client ID for a ChangeSet.
int64_t AwaTime
Corresponds to the LWM2M Time type.
Definition: types.h:76
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_AddValueAsStringArray(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaStringArray *array)
AwaError AwaServerSession_SetIPCAsUDP(AwaServerSession *session, const char *address, unsigned short port)
Configure the IPC mechanism used by the API to communicate with the Core.
bool AwaServerObserveResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaServerObserveResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Observe Response has the specified object, object instance or resource path present...
const AwaServerDefineResponse * AwaServerDefineOperation_GetResponse(const AwaServerDefineOperation *operation)
Obtain a Server Define Response instance from a processed Server Define operation.
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerClientRegisterEvent_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerClientRegisterEvent *event)
Create a new Client Iterator from a Client Register Event, used to iterate through the list of client...
const AwaServerObserveResponse * AwaServerObserveOperation_GetResponse(const AwaServerObserveOperation *operation, const char *clientID)
Obtain an Observe Response instance from a processed Observe operation.
AwaError AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation_AddAttributeAsFloat(AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation *operation, const char *clientID, const char *path, const char *link, AwaFloat value)
void(* AwaServerClientUpdateEventCallback)(const AwaServerClientUpdateEvent *event, void *context)
A user-specified callback handler for Server Notifications which will be fired on client update...
Definition: server.h:156
AwaError AwaServerWriteOperation_CreateObjectInstance(AwaServerWriteOperation *operation, const char *path)
Adds an object instance path to a Write Operation, as a request to create an Object Instance...
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerWriteOperation_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerWriteOperation *operation)
Create a new Client Iterator for a Write Response, used to iterate through the list of client endpoin...
AwaError AwaServerDiscoverOperation_Free(AwaServerDiscoverOperation **operation)
Clean up a Discover operation, freeing all allocated resources.
const AwaPathResult * AwaServerReadResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Read Response relating to a subscription to that path retrieved by the ...
const AwaServerWriteAttributesResponse * AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation_GetResponse(const AwaServerWriteAttributesOperation *operation, const char *clientID)
Obtain a Write Attributes Response instance from a processed Write Attributes operation.
AwaError AwaServerReadResponse_GetValueAsIntegerPointer(const AwaServerReadResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaInteger **value)
AwaPathIterator * AwaServerReadResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaServerReadResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Read Response, used to iterate through the list of resource paths re...
struct _AwaPathIterator AwaPathIterator
Definition: common.h:617
AwaClientIterator * AwaServerClientUpdateEvent_NewClientIterator(const AwaServerClientUpdateEvent *event)
Create a new Client Iterator from a Client Update Event, used to iterate through the list of client e...
const AwaPathResult * AwaServerWriteAttributesResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaServerWriteAttributesResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Write Attributes Response relating to a subscription to that path retri...
AwaError AwaServerReadOperation_Free(AwaServerReadOperation **operation)
Clean up a Read operation, freeing all allocated resources.