93 typedef struct _AwaClientSession AwaClientSession;
94 typedef struct _AwaClientGetOperation AwaClientGetOperation;
95 typedef struct _AwaClientGetResponse AwaClientGetResponse;
96 typedef struct _AwaClientDefineOperation AwaClientDefineOperation;
97 typedef struct _AwaClientSetOperation AwaClientSetOperation;
98 typedef struct _AwaClientSetResponse AwaClientSetResponse;
99 typedef struct _AwaClientDeleteOperation AwaClientDeleteOperation;
100 typedef struct _AwaClientDeleteResponse AwaClientDeleteResponse;
101 typedef struct _AwaClientSubscribeOperation AwaClientSubscribeOperation;
102 typedef struct _AwaClientSubscribeResponse AwaClientSubscribeResponse;
103 typedef struct _AwaClientSubscription AwaClientChangeSubscription;
104 typedef struct _AwaClientSubscription AwaClientExecuteSubscription;
1062 #endif // AWA_CLIENT_H AwaError
API Error Codes.
Definition: error.h:38
struct _AwaPathResult AwaPathResult
Definition: common.h:710
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValueAsObjectLinkPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaObjectLink **value)
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddArrayValueAsFloat(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaFloat value)
const AwaObjectDefinition * AwaClientSession_GetObjectDefinition(const AwaClientSession *session, AwaObjectID objectID)
Retrieves an object definition instance corresponding to the object identified by the given object ID...
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValuesAsFloatArrayPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaFloatArray **valueArray)
AwaClientChangeSubscription * AwaClientChangeSubscription_New(const char *path, AwaClientSubscribeToChangeCallback callback, void *context)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Change Subscription, that can be used to subscribe to changes ...
AwaClientDeleteOperation * AwaClientDeleteOperation_New(const AwaClientSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Delete operation, that can be used to delete optional resource...
int AwaTimeout
Represents a timeout value, in milliseconds.
Definition: common.h:70
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_CreateOptionalResource(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path)
Adds a resource path to a Set Operation, as a request to create an optional Resource.
bool AwaClientSession_IsObjectDefined(const AwaClientSession *session, AwaObjectID objectID)
Determines whether the specified session holds a valid definition for the given object.
struct _AwaBooleanArray AwaBooleanArray
Definition: common.h:100
AwaError AwaClientSession_Disconnect(AwaClientSession *session)
When a session is no longer required, or if the application intends to sleep for some time...
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValueAsObjectLink(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, AwaObjectLink *value)
Retrieve an object link resource's value from a Get Response.
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValuesAsTimeArrayPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaTimeArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValueAsCStringPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const char **value)
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValueAsBooleanPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaBoolean **value)
struct _AwaIntegerArray AwaIntegerArray
Definition: common.h:98
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_Perform(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Set Operation by sending it to the Core.
AwaPathIterator * AwaClientGetResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaClientGetResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Get Response, used to iterate through the list of resource paths ret...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsTime(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaTime value)
AwaError AwaClientDeleteOperation_Free(AwaClientDeleteOperation **operation)
Shut down an existing operation, freeing any allocated memory.
AwaError AwaClientGetOperation_AddPathWithArrayRange(AwaClientGetOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaArrayIndex startIndex, AwaArrayLength indexCount)
Add a resource path to a multiple-instance resource and specify a range of resource instances to retr...
size_t AwaArrayLength
Represents a multiple-instance array length value.
Definition: common.h:94
void(* AwaClientSubscribeToChangeCallback)(const AwaChangeSet *changeSet, void *context)
A user-specified callback handler for a Change Subscription which will be fired on AwaClientSession_D...
Definition: client.h:119
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddArrayValueAsObjectLink(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaObjectLink value)
AwaClientDefineOperation * AwaClientDefineOperation_New(const AwaClientSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Define operation, that can be used to define Objects and Resou...
struct _AwaFloatArray AwaFloatArray
Definition: common.h:99
A utility struct used to convey object link data.
Definition: types.h:90
AwaError AwaClientDefineOperation_Add(AwaClientDefineOperation *operation, const AwaObjectDefinition *objectDefinition)
Add an Object Definition to an existing Define operation, so that the client will create a suitable d...
const AwaPathResult * AwaClientSubscribeResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaClientSubscribeResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Subscribe Response relating to a subscription to that path retrieved by...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddArrayValueAsCString(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, const char *value)
struct _AwaOpaqueArray AwaOpaqueArray
Definition: common.h:101
AwaError AwaClientSubscribeOperation_Perform(AwaClientSubscribeOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Subscribe operation by sending it to the Core, notifying the Core to begin or cancel subs...
AwaPathIterator * AwaClientSetResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaClientSetResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Set Response, used to iterate through the list of paths returned in ...
AwaClientGetOperation * AwaClientGetOperation_New(const AwaClientSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Get operation, that can be used to retrieve resource values fr...
AwaError AwaClientSession_Connect(AwaClientSession *session)
Connect a session (configured with an IPC mechanism) to the Core.
bool AwaClientGetResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Get Response has the specified path (resource, object instance or object) present...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddArrayValueAsInteger(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaInteger value)
bool AwaBoolean
Corresponds to the LWM2M Boolean type.
Definition: types.h:71
AwaClientSetOperation * AwaClientSetOperation_New(const AwaClientSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Set Operation, that can be used to set resource values...
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValueAsOpaque(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, AwaOpaque *value)
Retrieve an opaque resource's value from a Get Response.
AwaPathIterator * AwaClientDeleteResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaClientDeleteResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Delete Response, used to iterate through the list of resource paths ...
AwaClientSession * AwaClientSession_New(void)
Initialise a new session of the Awa subsystem.
AwaPathIterator * AwaClientSubscribeResponse_NewPathIterator(const AwaClientSubscribeResponse *response)
Create a new Path Iterator for a Subscribe Response, used to iterate through the list of paths relati...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddArrayValueAsBoolean(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaBoolean value)
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsIntegerArray(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaIntegerArray *array)
AwaError AwaClientChangeSubscription_Free(AwaClientChangeSubscription **subscription)
Shut down a Change Subscription, freeing any allocated memory.
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValueAsOpaquePointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaOpaque **value)
const AwaPathResult * AwaClientSetResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaClientSetResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Set Response relating to a write to that path retrieved by the correspo...
A utility struct used to convey data pointer and size of an opaque data block.
Definition: types.h:81
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsBoolean(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaBoolean value)
AwaError AwaClientDeleteOperation_AddPathWithArrayRange(AwaClientDeleteOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaArrayIndex startIndex, AwaArrayLength indexCount)
Add a path to a multiple-instance resource and specify a range of resource instances to delete...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsOpaqueArray(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaOpaqueArray *array)
AwaObjectDefinitionIterator * AwaClientSession_NewObjectDefinitionIterator(const AwaClientSession *session)
Retrieves a new object definition iterator that can be used to iterate through the set of defined obj...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsOpaque(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaOpaque value)
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsFloat(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaFloat value)
AwaError AwaClientSession_DispatchCallbacks(AwaClientSession *session)
Invoke any callbacks scheduled since this function was last called.
const AwaClientDeleteResponse * AwaClientDeleteOperation_GetResponse(const AwaClientDeleteOperation *operation)
Obtain a Delete Response instance from a processed Delete operation.
struct _AwaTimeArray AwaTimeArray
Definition: common.h:102
AwaClientSubscribeOperation * AwaClientSubscribeOperation_New(const AwaClientSession *session)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Subscribe operation, that can be used to subscribe to executio...
int AwaObjectInstanceID
Definition: types.h:44
size_t AwaArrayIndex
Represents a multiple-instance array index value.
Definition: common.h:89
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValuesAsOpaqueArrayPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaOpaqueArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValueAsIntegerPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaInteger **value)
const char * AwaClientExecuteSubscription_GetPath(AwaClientExecuteSubscription *subscription)
Retrieve the path from a Execute subscription.
struct _AwaChangeSet AwaChangeSet
Definition: common.h:734
AwaError AwaClientGetOperation_AddPath(AwaClientGetOperation *operation, const char *path)
Adds a path of interest to a Get operation, as a request to retrieve all resources at or covered by t...
AwaError AwaClientDefineOperation_Free(AwaClientDefineOperation **operation)
Clean up a Define operation, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValueAsTimePointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaTime **value)
AwaError AwaClientSubscribeOperation_AddExecuteSubscription(AwaClientSubscribeOperation *operation, AwaClientExecuteSubscription *subscription)
Adds a Execute Subscription of interest to a Subscribe operation, as a request to be notified of exec...
const AwaClientSetResponse * AwaClientSetOperation_GetResponse(const AwaClientSetOperation *operation)
Obtain a Set Response instance from a processed Set Operation.
AwaError AwaClientExecuteSubscription_Free(AwaClientExecuteSubscription **subscription)
Shut down an Execute Subscription, freeing any allocated memory.
AwaError AwaClientSubscribeOperation_AddCancelExecuteSubscription(AwaClientSubscribeOperation *operation, AwaClientExecuteSubscription *subscription)
Adds a Cancel flag to a Execute Subscription in a specified Subscribe operation, as a request to canc...
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValuesAsStringArrayPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaStringArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValuesAsIntegerArrayPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaIntegerArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsBooleanArray(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaBooleanArray *array)
const AwaClientSubscribeResponse * AwaClientSubscribeOperation_GetResponse(const AwaClientSubscribeOperation *operation)
Obtain a Subscribe Response instance from a processed Subscribe operation.
AwaError AwaClientGetOperation_Free(AwaClientGetOperation **operation)
Clean up a Get operation, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaError AwaClientSession_Process(AwaClientSession *session, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process any incoming requests from the LWM2M Client.
AwaError AwaClientSubscribeOperation_Free(AwaClientSubscribeOperation **operation)
Clean up a Subscribe operation, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaError AwaClientSession_Free(AwaClientSession **session)
Shut down an existing session, freeing any allocated memory.
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValueAsFloatPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaFloat **value)
struct _AwaObjectDefinitionIterator AwaObjectDefinitionIterator
Definition: common.h:348
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValuesAsBooleanArrayPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaBooleanArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsCString(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, const char *value)
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_Free(AwaClientSetOperation **operation)
Clean up a Set Operation, freeing all allocated resources.
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddArrayValueAsOpaque(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaOpaque value)
AwaError AwaClientSession_SetDefaultTimeout(AwaClientSession *session, AwaTimeout timeout)
Set IPC connect timeout.
AwaClientExecuteSubscription * AwaClientExecuteSubscription_New(const char *path, AwaClientSubscribeToExecuteCallback callback, void *context)
Allocate and return a pointer to a new Execute Subscription, that can be used to subscribe to executi...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsObjectLink(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaObjectLink value)
AwaError AwaClientGetOperation_Perform(AwaClientGetOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Get operation by sending it to the Core.
double AwaFloat
Corresponds to the LWM2M Float type.
Definition: types.h:66
AwaError AwaClientGetResponse_GetValuesAsObjectLinkArrayPointer(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path, const AwaObjectLinkArray **valueArray)
AwaError AwaClientSession_Refresh(AwaClientSession *session)
Object and Resource Definitions are assembled by the application and sent to the client daemon for st...
struct _ObjectDefinition AwaObjectDefinition
Definition: common.h:346
struct _AwaStringArray AwaStringArray
Definition: common.h:97
int AwaObjectID
Definition: types.h:43
bool AwaClientGetResponse_HasValue(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Get Response has a value for the specified resource path.
AwaError AwaClientDefineOperation_Perform(AwaClientDefineOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
AwaError AwaClientSubscribeOperation_AddCancelChangeSubscription(AwaClientSubscribeOperation *operation, AwaClientChangeSubscription *subscription)
Adds a Cancel flag to a Change Subscription in a specified Subscribe operation, as a request to cance...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsStringArray(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaStringArray *array)
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsFloatArray(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaFloatArray *array)
int AwaResourceID
Definition: types.h:45
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsTimeArray(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaTimeArray *array)
AwaError AwaClientSession_PathToIDs(const AwaClientSession *session, const char *path, AwaObjectID *objectID, AwaObjectInstanceID *objectInstanceID, AwaResourceID *resourceID)
Paths are used to identify objects, object instances and resources within the data model...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddArrayValueAsTime(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, int resourceInstanceID, AwaTime value)
const AwaClientGetResponse * AwaClientGetOperation_GetResponse(const AwaClientGetOperation *operation)
Obtain a Get Response instance from a processed Get operation.
AwaError AwaClientSubscribeOperation_AddChangeSubscription(AwaClientSubscribeOperation *operation, AwaClientChangeSubscription *subscription)
Adds a Change Subscription of interest to a Subscribe operation, as a request to be notified of chang...
int64_t AwaInteger
Corresponds to the LWM2M 64-bit Integer type.
Definition: types.h:61
Provides declarations and definitions that are common to the Awa LWM2M API and Static API...
struct _AwaObjectLinkArray AwaObjectLinkArray
Definition: common.h:103
bool AwaClientSetResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaClientSetResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Set Response has the specified path to a resource or object present.
void(* AwaClientSubscribeToExecuteCallback)(const AwaExecuteArguments *arguments, void *context)
A user-specified callback handler for an Execute Subscription which will be fired on AwaClientSession...
Definition: client.h:129
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_CreateObjectInstance(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path)
Adds an object or object instance path to a Set Operation, as a request to create an Object Instance...
AwaError AwaClientDeleteOperation_AddPath(AwaClientDeleteOperation *operation, const char *path)
Adds a path to a Delete operation, as a request to delete the specified resource or object instance...
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsInteger(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, AwaInteger value)
const AwaPathResult * AwaClientDeleteResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaClientDeleteResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Delete Response relating to a subscription to that path retrieved by th...
AwaError AwaClientSession_SetIPCAsUDP(AwaClientSession *session, const char *address, uint16_t port)
Configure the IPC mechanism used by the API to communicate with the Core.
int64_t AwaTime
Corresponds to the LWM2M Time type.
Definition: types.h:76
const AwaClientSession * AwaChangeSet_GetClientSession(const AwaChangeSet *changeSet)
Retrieve the corresponding session for a ChangeSet.
AwaError AwaClientDeleteOperation_Perform(AwaClientDeleteOperation *operation, AwaTimeout timeout)
Process the Delete operation by sending it to the Core.
const AwaPathResult * AwaClientGetResponse_GetPathResult(const AwaClientGetResponse *response, const char *path)
Retrieve a path result from a Get Response relating to a write to that path retrieved by the correspo...
bool AwaClientDeleteResponse_ContainsPath(const AwaClientDeleteResponse *response, const char *path)
Test if the Delete Response has the specified path (object instance or object) present.
AwaError AwaClientSetOperation_AddValueAsObjectLinkArray(AwaClientSetOperation *operation, const char *path, const AwaObjectLinkArray *array)
struct _AwaPathIterator AwaPathIterator
Definition: common.h:617
const char * AwaClientChangeSubscription_GetPath(AwaClientChangeSubscription *subscription)
Retrieve the path from a Change subscription.